Kim Hye-eun

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Not Others

Not Others

17 Jul 2023

Not Others

Eun-mi is just like any other woman her age, with the exception that she gave birth to her daughter, Jin-hee, while she was in high school. ...
Man in Love (2014)
‎ MalaySub‎‎ ‎

Man in Love (2014)

22 Jan 2014

Man in Love (2014)

Tae-Il lives a fast life as low level thug. He then learns that he has a terminal illness and not much time left to live. Then, for the first ...
Itaewon Class

Itaewon Class

31 Jan 2020

Itaewon Class

In a colorful Seoul neighborhood, an ex-con and his friends fight a mighty foe to make their ambitious dreams for their street bar a reality. ...
May It Please The Court

May It Please The Court

Noh Chak-hee, the ace lawyer of the big law firm, Jangsan, becomes a public defender overnight and must defend the criminal who killed her loved ...